Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I traveled out of town to spend the weekend in class a couple of weeks ago. The professor was interesting. He is originally from Austria. I dug the accent. He told many stories, barely touching upon the subject of the class. This made the time flow nicely. The discussion was rather stilted. He tended to disagree with everything anyone said.

This week I've been meeting online with the class to post answers to discussion questions. It is a clumsy format. The upside is that nearly half of my grading will be finished by Sunday.

The larger assignment is a bibliography of sources on a global information subject. I've chosen drug trafficking. Partly because I like the topic. And partly because my professor likes the topic. I'm confident I can find 15 sources (videos, articles, books, etc) on it.


I have my first class meeting for my print resources class in a couple of weeks. As always, I'm hoping I like the professor's teaching style. I looked over the syllabus--a little daunting. About four unique assignments requiring hours of observation or interviewing. While this might be the best way for me to apply the material, it is time consuming.

We shall see.


DaddyMan said...

That is an interesting topic. Might as well pick something your curious and interested about!

Royce said...

Sounds like you might be a SLIM student.

I wish you the best.

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