Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm working on my final project for my last class for this semester. I really wanted to be done before I left work this afternoon so I wouldn't have to come back from my mini vacation to homework. But this is the price one pays for procrastination.

Procrastination that gets me into the library even before it's open to work on homework. I am here at my place of employment before we've opened the doors to the public to peruse reference resources. Thrilling.

Actually, it's quite helpful. I am learning a lot. But mostly just about art resources since that's the library I chose to base my essential reference source collection around.

That has made things tricky. I had to make a special trip to a library which is a half an hour from my house to peruse their reference collection.

I was appalled that they didn't allow food or drink or cell phones in their library. Before you think that I violated all those rules. I did not. I asked. So much for making the library a comforting place for students and people in general. No wonder no one was hanging out there. I wouldn't want to be there either if I couldn't chill.

Guess I know how I'd run the library if I was in charge, but, oh, I didn't get that job, now did I? Bitter?

I'm probably a little testy now because it's Friday morning before 9 a.m. I'd rather be in bed asleep.

And I should be working on this project instead of blogging. Bye!


CDL said...

Stop reading your comments and go back to work! :)

DaddyMan said...

Yeah! Get back to work...after camping, of course. :P