Thursday, August 9, 2007


yes. three A's. well deserved. i worked hard.


I took the personality test. I am an ENTP. I used to be an ENFP. Guess I go with my head now more instead of my heart. Yup, I have a hard time following through on all the extreme ideas I generate.

I talked with a fellow student this morning about this class. He did not have good things to say about the teacher. In a way, I'm looking forward to the challenge.


Forgot to tell you that my prof. called from one of my classes, the same one who made me redo an assignment, to have me resend her my final project. She off-handedly said that she believed that I had already sent it--As if I didn't! I sent in the POS. She gave me full credit. Killer. I'm not complaining. (See above grades for how the rest of the classes came out.)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

took a look at the syllabus for my class this fall. not good news so far. I've printed about half of the articles the teacher wants us to read. half of the FIFTEEN or so. not to mention the couple of books she's tossed in. one being written by her. oh. and i've gotta take a personality test. weird. i hate those things. after minoring in psychology in my undergrad years, i just can't take one more psych test. it's so fundamentally full of bull s***t.

so, yeah. my attitude is sucking. i still need a few more weeks of laying around, doing nothing, before i get so bored that i feel like doing school work.