Wednesday, August 1, 2007

took a look at the syllabus for my class this fall. not good news so far. I've printed about half of the articles the teacher wants us to read. half of the FIFTEEN or so. not to mention the couple of books she's tossed in. one being written by her. oh. and i've gotta take a personality test. weird. i hate those things. after minoring in psychology in my undergrad years, i just can't take one more psych test. it's so fundamentally full of bull s***t.

so, yeah. my attitude is sucking. i still need a few more weeks of laying around, doing nothing, before i get so bored that i feel like doing school work.

1 comment:

DaddyMan said...

*chuckle* Of course those personality tests don't "one time test" ever does to measure personality.

They key word is "measure." Any teacher wanting you to take a personality test is only going to get a snapshot of what your personality "may be." Now, taking one a year for 10 years...then you might see something.

That's why the best psychological observations take years to implement.