Monday, April 2, 2007

S reminded me that I hadn't posted here for awhile. The following is an update.


After many long grueling dreaded hours, I called it quits on that stupid bibliography I had to write. Yes, the topic I picked was interesting to me--drug trafficking, but that didn't make up for the tedious work it took to finish the sucker.

Last week while IMing with a friend from school, he admitted that he'd heard that our professor doesn't even read our papers. The GA checks to see how many entries we have on our bibliography. Then assigns grades accordingly. Really? Really?!!! This is graduate school. There should be some quality control here. I admit that I only wrote 12 out of the 15 entries assigned, but I just couldn't hack it. I know the professor's GA fairly well so I'm hoping she'll have mercy on me and give me a decent grade.

How many more years of this???


With my other class, I observed a local academic library which led to a job tip off. More about that later. So, I sat through an instructional class taught by the director on online databases. Nothing too exciting. I finished my paper for that yesterday morning. Ahhhhh...feels good.

I have a group project for this class which usually isn't a problem, but I've had one of the group members in a group for another class. She didn't participate until the very last second. Frustrating, but this assignment shouldn't be too hard to pull off. It's a presentation and a two page paper. I could do it myself in my sleep.

The cruddy thing about this class is that the above is not all the work. I've got two more papers to write! It's endless. Really, it is. This semester I have been the least motivated.


job: I applied for a job at the library where I observed because it's a totally awesome library. I'd applied there before when I was last looking for a job about two years ago--same position which is now open. When I observed, the director asked me how I liked my current job. I told her I like it. I do. It's a great job. I am so comfortable here. The director mentioned that the job I'd applied for before was open again. She'd noticed I'd applied when the position was open before.

I gave it some thought. Updated my resume. Sent if off. Now I'm past the interviewing and waiting for an offer or rejection. Wow! Completely new direction. We shall see. Like I said, I totally love my job now so it would be a difficult decision if I were to get an offer.

Anyway, wish me luck. I am feeling great. I am in an excellent position.


Leelu said...

Good luck!

edh said...

good luck... and yeah, we hardly get comments on papers at all in my iSchool. maybe three sentences if you're lucky. Our profs actually get fined $50 per missing INDIVIDUAL student grade starting one week after class, so it's not like they have a lot of time to grade, say, 50 20 page papers.