Thursday, July 19, 2007

Degolar asked if I've learned anything.

Well...yes, I suppose. It will all be applicable in due time. I am enjoying the conceptual part of library school. That is, looking at the library through a world view and understanding aspects I'd never considered before. While I knew that I enjoyed the research part of the job, I am finding preservation to be an interesting idea too.

I have one final project due. In about a week. I've begun preliminary brainstorming about where I'd like to take it.

In non-course-related news, I have decided to take a break next semester. I'll only be taking one class. This summer has been tremendously difficult. Some of it because I took three classes and some of it for personal reasons. As always, life is unpredictable, but I must make the best decision for myself and my family.

Don't worry, I'll be reporting here if anyone reads this...

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